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[Event] Interview with Mr. Woo, Byong Yol, Director of the Migration Research and Training Centre, Immigration Agency of Mongolian



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Date: December 15, 2023 (Friday) 12:00 - 13:30


▣ Participants:


From MRTC: Woo, Byong Yol, Director; Sohn, Hong Kee, Deputy Director; Lee Chang Won, Head of Statistical Analysis Center; Jeong Hye-Jin, Maanger of Planning and Coordination Team; Jeong Hoon Lee, Manager of Business Support Team; Do-Won Kim, Head of Research Planning Team.


From the Mongolian Immigration Agency: Director General Uuganbayar Nergui; Altangsukh Chulunbatar, Head of Foreign Relations and Cooperation Division.




Mongolian Immigration Agency Director General Visits Korea and Introduces New Director of the Migration Research and Training Centre.


Signing of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on June 23, 2023, between the two organizations, followed by discussions on future cooperation plans.


Discussion on the direction of the Capacity Building on Comprehensive Immigration Service Management Project in Mongolia in 2024.