이민정책연구원은 이민정책개발을 위한 연구와 교육
그리고 국내외 네트워크와의 협력을 통해 다양한 사업을 추진하고 있습니다.


MRTC function and work are explicitly stipulated in the Agreement and the Statutes. and they revolve around three pillars of projects, namely research projects, education projects, and cooperation projects.
On the research side, MRTC conducts literature review, survey and analysis, and produces numerous education and cooperation side, MRTC nurtures migration policy specialists and hosts various conferences and seminars with a number of organization.
Agreement, Article 1 Agreement, Article 2 Statutes, Article 2
Promoting understanding of migrants and migration-related issues at the international level
  • Migration-related surveys, research, advisory services and information exchange on migration policies and States legislation
  • Professionalism
Contributing to the development of migration policies of States through research, information exchange, surveys and migration-related educadtion
  • Social integration programmes and educational training
  • Training of specialists on international and national migration laws and policies
  • Migration policy specialist
Building the capacity of States through training on international migration law, migration management and human rights of migrants
  • International exchange and cooperation programmes as well as international conferences on migration policy and legislation
  • International exchange and cooperation
Contributing to the advancement of the understanding of the linkages between migration, development, environment, security, human rights and employment.
  • Activities to support institutes and their research on migration policy
  • Publication and dissemination of research papers, periodicals, reports and other professional documents
  • Internal and external migration

Research Project