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Exploring Factors Influencing Attitudes towards Immigrants in Local Areas

Date 202312
Publication No 2023-03
Author Juyoung Jang, Jungwon Huh
  • Type Working Paper
  • Research Type


In this study, we examined factors influencing attitudes towards immigrants within respondents’ local areas. We utilized data from the project “Research on the Integration Strategies for Korean Society in Enclaves of Socialist Background Immigrants (2022)”, supported by the Institute for Peace and Unification Studies at Seoul National University. The data set is unique since it includes respondents’ demographic characteristics, relationships with immigrants, as well as perceptions and attitudes towards immigrants at local and national levels. Unlike prior studies, we evaluated the influences of both concrete and abstract perceptions regarding realistic threats posed by immigrants. Our findings revealed that abstract perceptions exerted a stronger influence on attitudes towards immigrants compared to concrete perceptions. 


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